Let's reveal the details of the character in the Mine Survival!


Unlock Level 0
Basic Payment Item
Health 150
Temperature 150 ( – x1 )
Hunger 150 ( – x1 )
Moisture 150 ( – x1 )
Poo 150
Power 20
Moving Speed 3


Unlock Level 1
Basic Payment Item Clean Water Bottle
Health 120
Temperature 150 ( – x1 )
Hunger 150 ( – x0.85 )
Moisture 150 ( – x0.85 )
Poo 120
Power 15
Moving Speed 3.5


Unlock Level 3
Basic Payment Item Tent
Health 120
Temperature 150 ( – x1.2 )
Hunger 150 ( – x0.8 )
Moisture 150 ( – x0.8 )
Poo 120
Power 15
Moving Speed 3.2


Unlock Level 5
Basic Payment Item Wood Axe
Health 300
Temperature 150 ( – x0.8 )
Hunger 200 ( – x1.5 )
Moisture 200 ( – x1.5 )
Poo 150
Power 30
Moving Speed 2.5


Passive: Thorn Damage (deals 10 damage to nearby enemies.)

Unlock Level 7
Basic Payment Item Wood Trap
Health 120
Temperature 150 ( – x1.6 )
Hunger 150 ( – x0.9 )
Moisture 150 ( – x0.65 )
Poo 120
Power 15
Moving Speed 3.2


Justin Beaver
Unlock Level 8
Basic Payment Item Wrench
Health 150
Temperature 150 ( – x1 )
Hunger 150 ( – x0.9 )
Moisture 150 ( – x1.2 )
Poo 120
Power 20
Moving Speed 3.3


Passive: Barefoot Fishing (7% chance of barefoot fishing possible)

Bear Grylls
Unlock Level 9
Basic Payment Item Soda
Health 200
Temperature 150 ( – x0.65 )
Hunger 170 ( – x1.4 )
Moisture 170 ( – x1.2 )
Poo 150
Power 25
Moving Speed 2.8

Maximum value( Decreasing amount )
For example, Billy temperature is little reduced less than other character.
But hunger and moisture can decrease faster!
Choose the character that matches the play style!

I hope you will survive for a long time.
Thank you.


Let me give you a useful Tip for Mine Survival!

< Day, Night Display >


Yellow is the length of the daytime and the blue is the length of the night.
The arrow tells us where the current time is during the day.

< Pick up the Building >


If you beat the building with your bare hands(Or items other than a wrench, a sword, or a Installation Type item), you can put it in your bag again.

Hammer Hammer_Dia

With a  'Hammer' and a 'Diamond Hammer', you can collect buildings faster.
(Added in version 1.4.0)
It is very useful when you expand your settlement or when you move your house.

< Seedling Planting >


After planting plants, it grow into trees over time !!
If you hit the plant with aPoo, it grow into trees !!

< Ants >


Sometimes hear worms sound in the daytime !!
It is a signal that the ants appeared!
Ants eat away the trees and disappear.
Only plants will remain in the seat!

< Fruit Farm >


When you hit a squirrel, seed drops to random.

WBottle_Dirty WBottle_Clean WBucket_Dirty WBucket_Clean Poo
If you plant it on the ground and hit it with water or poo, It turns into a farm.

Over time, the fruit grows randomly.

< Zombie Wave >


[ 5 day, 10 day, 15 day, 20 day ]
More zombies flock together !!
Create a more secure settlement !!

[ 6 day, 11 day, 16 day, 21 day's Morning ]
Wolf cries will be heard.
You will see a message that says "I feel more powerful."
It's a signal that zombies have become more powerful than ever before.

I hope it helps.
Thank you. ^ __ ^


Let's learn how to attack earlier in the Mine Survival.

< Worktable, Axe, Pickax >

As soon as you start!
Hard! Hard! Hit the tree with bare hands!


MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 Worktable Axe_WoodPickax_Wood

1. Cut 4 large trees.(16 wood)
2. Create a Worktable and make a wood axe and wood pickaxe.(16 Wood Consumption)
3. Beat the Worktable with your bare hands, and put it in your bag.

If you beat the building with your bare hands(Or items other than a wrench, a sword, or a Installation Type item), you can put it in your bag again.

< Campfire, Wood Trap >

MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Rock_Coal_2Campfire

▲ Large Tree 1, Coal Ore 1 → Campfire (Wood 4 + Coal 4)

MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Rock_Bone1 MS_Rock_Bone2 Trap_Wood

▲ Large Tree 1, Skull  1 or Spine 1 → Wood Trap  (Wood 3 + Bone 1)

Before the first night
Absolutely !! Two items to install !!

< Find a settlement >

Need to find a big puddle.
Water is essential to survive!
Recommend building a settlement near a big puddle!


< Wrench >

MS_Rock_Iron MS_Rock_Silver  → Wrench

▲ Iron Ore 1, Silver Ore 1 – > Wrench (Iron 4 + Silver 1)

With campfire and wood trap, it can be hard to survive!
Use a wrench to fix the wood trap !!

< Attack Tower, Cannon >

MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Rock_Bone1 MS_Rock_Bone2 ATower_Wood

▲ Large Tree 4, Skull  1 or Spine 1  →  Wood Tower (Wood 12 + Bone 2)

MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Tree_Forest1 MS_Rock_Coal_2


▲ Large Tree 4, Coal Ore 1  →  Wood Cannon (Wood 12 + Bone 2)

From 1st to 4th day, you can survive by trap!
But before the 5th night, towers and cannons must be installed!

5 day, 10 day, 15 day, 20 day.
More zombies flock together !!
Create a more secure settlement !!

I hope it helps.
Thank you. ^ __ ^


This is the shape of the ores that appear in Mine Survival.


▲ Stone Ore


▲ Sand Ore


▲ Coal Ore


▲ Iron Ore


▲ Silver Ore


▲ Gold  Ore


▲ Diamond Ore


▲ Green Stone Ore / Red Stone Ore /  Yellow Stone Ore

( Quiz )Find this yourself .  : )

MS_Rock_Bone1 MS_Rock_Bone2

▲ Skull /  Spine

Drop the bones.

Ore's efficient to dig with a  pickaxe.

I hope it helps.
Thank you. ^ __ ^


Let's learn about the Basic Crafting and Structures of Mine Survival!

< Basic Crafting  >


A character has a basic combination of 4 items.
When you open the bag, do you see the 4 things on the top right?
If you have resources, you can make them right away.
Very basic, essential items.

[ Wood Trap ]
Wood 3 + Bone


This is hurts nearby enemies.

[ Worktable ]
Wood 6



Can produce many things.

[ Campfire / Torch ]
Wood 4 + Coal 4 / Wood 2 + Coal 2

Campfire Torch
Brightens the darkness.
Warms the player.
This melts ice water.
Campfire : You can cook meat and fish.
Torch : If hold it in player's hand, brightens the darkness and warms the player.


< Structures made into a Worktable >

Can also create basic items (Wood trap, Worktable, Campfire, Torch) in Worktable.

[ Tent ]
Leather 2 + Wood 2


MS_Structure_002 MS_Structure_003
Once registered, one home button is activated.
When you press the button, you can check the location of the house remotely.
HearthstoneWhen you use the Hearthstone, you will be returned to this location.

[ Purifier ]
Wood 4 + Coal 4 + Iron 4

Can purify dirty water.

[ Toilet ]
Grass 4 + Wood 4 + Stone 6


You can make … : )


[ Factory ]
Wood 8 + Stone 4 + Iron 4



Can build buildings that are involved in defense and attack.
Can create a Storage, a Bank, and a Laboratory.

[ Anvil ]
Iron 8



Durability can be repaired.


< Structures made into a Factory >

[ Wood Door / Wood Wall ]
Wood 3 / Wood 3

Door_Wood Wall_Wood
Door : Opening and closing the door allows you to block and open the path.
Wall : Can protect the settlements.

[ Wood Attack Tower / Wood Cannon ]
Bone 2, Wood 12 / Coal 2, Wood 12

ATower_Wood Cannon_Wood
Can Attack the enemy.

Can be upgrade.

[ Power Tower Phase 1 ]
Stone 4 + Iron 4

PowerTower1 ElectricPower

This building increases the amount of Electric power.
Can be upgrade.

[ Storage ]
Wood 8 + Iron 8



Can store things.

[ Bank ]
Silver 4 + Gold 4



Can trade resources.

[ Laboratory ]
Gold 4 + Diamond 4


Skill tower and altars can be made.


< Structures made into a Laboratory >

[ Speed Down Tower / Power Down Tower / Healing Tower ]
Green Stone 3 + Silver 20 + 200 Coin / Red Stone 3 + Silver 20 + 200 Coin/ Yellow Stone 3 + Silver 20+ 200 Coin

Tower_SpeedNerf Tower_PowerNerf Tower_HPBuff

Speed Down Tower : This slows down the speed of enemy attacks. (wide range)
Power Down Tower : This lowers the enemy's attack power. (wide range)
Healing Tower : This cures player and building. (wide range)

[ Summoning Altar ]
Bone Extract(Bone 30 + Fish Bone 10) + Green Stone + Red Stone + Yellow Stone + Beard + + 1000 Coin

Summon the Boss.
After summoning, Shows the position of the boss for a very short time.
If you kill the boss, you can get the key to the next mode.

I hope you will survive for a long time.
Thank you.


Let's learn about the character status bar of Mine Survival!
This is the most basic of the game!


What you see at the top is the status bar of the character.
In order, it means Temperature, Hunger, Health, Moisture, Poo.


If you touch the status bar, you can check the figures in letters.
Touch again, you can hide the letters.

When either Temperature, Hunger, or Moisture becomes zero,
HP starts to decrease.
When the Poo reaches 100%, HP is reduced.

< Temperature >


Temperature 0 -> HP reduced.
Be careful not to freeze your character!

If you are near a campfire or torch, your body temperature will rise.
Holding a torch or lava bucket raises your body temperature.

< Hunger >


Hunger 0 -> HP reduced.
Be careful not to die of hunger!

Eating raw meat and raw fish is poisonous.
Cook at the campfire.

< Moisture  >

MS_State_003 MS_State_004

Moisture 0 -> HP reduced.
Moisture can be filled with water, water buckets, apples, berries, and cola.

You get poison when you eat dirty water.
Water the polluted water into a water purifier.
You should drink clean water.

< Poo >


  100% -> HP reduced.


You can use the bathroom to getPoo.

Guess where this is used.

< Health >

BandageMedicalKit Tower_HPBuffBillboard

Health 0 -> You die.
There are 5 ways to fill in your physical strength.

1. Bandage (white flower + grass 2)
2. Medical Kit (Can not make, can get it at random from the jewelry box.)
3. Healing Tower (yellow stone 3 + silver 20)
4. 100% hunger + 100% moisture -> heal buff
5. Break the billboard -> heal buff

I hope you will survive for a long time.
Thank you.


Wood Wood Resource
Stone Stone
Sand Sand
Coal Coal
Iron Iron
Silver Silver
Gold Gold
Diamond Diamond
Stone_Green Green Stone
Stone_Red Red Stone
Stone_Yellow Yellow Stone
Stone_Mithril Mithril
Stone_Adamantium Adamantium
Stone_Orichalcon Orichalcon
Plant Tree Plant If you plant it on the ground, it grows into tree.
Plant_AppleTree Apple Tree Plant If you plant it on the ground, it grows into apple tree.
Grass Grass Resource
FlowerY Yellow Flower Can be placed on the ground.
FlowerO Orange Flower Can be placed on the ground.
FlowerW White Flower Resource
MushroomB Blue Mushroom Fills the hunger.
MushroomP Purple Mushroom Fills the hunger, but it gets poison.
Chest_Iron Iron Chest Leather 2, Iron 5 Can wear. Maximum health increase. (+50)
Chest_Silver Silver Chest Iron Chest, Leather 2, Silver 5 Can wear. Maximum health increase.  (+100)
Chest_Gold Gold Chest Silver Chest, Leather 3, Gold 5 Can wear. Maximum health increase. (+200)
Chest_Dia Diamond Chest Gold Chest,
Leather 4, Diamond 5
Can wear. Maximum health increase. (+300)
Shoes_Iron Iron Shoes Leather 2, Iron 5 Can wear. Movement speed increase. (+0.5)
Shoes_Silver Silver Shoes Iron Shoes, Leather 2, Silver 5 Can wear. Movement speed increase. (+1)
Shoes_Gold Gold Shoes Silver Shoes, Leather 3, Gold 5 Can wear. Movement speed increase.  (+2)
Shoes_Dia Diamond Shoes Gold Shoes,
Leather 4, Diamond 5
Can wear. Movement speed increase. (+3)
Sword_Wood Wood Sword Wood 5 Use it when fighting. (+10)
Sword_Stone Stone Sword Wood Sword, Stone 5 Use it when fighting. (+20)
Sword_Iron Iron Sword Stone Sword, Iron 5 Use it when fighting. (+30)
Sword_Silver Silver Sword Iron Sword, Silver 3 Use it when fighting. (+40)
Sword_Gold Gold Sword Silver Sword, Gold 3 Use it when fighting. (+60)
Sword_Dia Diamond Sword Gold Sword, Diamond 3 Use it when fighting. (+80)
Axe_Wood Wood Axe Wood 5 Use for cut down a tree. (+10)
Axe_Stone Stone Axe Wood Axe, Stone 5 Use for cut down a tree. (+20)
Axe_Iron Iron Axe Stone Axe, Iron 5 Use for cut down a tree. (+40)
Axe_Silver Silver Axe Iron Axe, Silver 3 Use for cut down a tree. (+60)
Axe_Gold Gold Axe Silver Axe, Gold 3 Use for cut down a tree. (+80)
Axe_Dia Diamond Axe Gold Axe, Diamond 3 Use for cut down a tree. (+100)
Pickax_Wood Wood Pickax Wood 5 Use it to dig ore. (+10)
Pickax_Stone Stone Pickax Wood Pickax, Stone 5 Use it to dig ore. (+20)
Pickax_Iron Iron Pickax Stone Pickax, Iron 5 Use it to dig ore. (+40)
Pickax_Silver Silver Pickax Iron Pickax, Silver 3 Use it to dig ore. (+70)
Pickax_Gold Gold Pickax Silver Pickax, Gold 3 Use it to dig ore. (+110)
Pickax_Dia Diamond Pickax Gold Pickax, Diamond 3 Use it to dig ore. (+150)
FishingRod Fishing Rod Cobweb 2, Wood 3 You can fish with this.
Lucky FishingRod Lucky Fishing Rod Fishing Rod, Wood 2, Diamond 3 You can fish with this.
There's a high probability of catching fish.
Wrench Wrench Iron 4, Silver This can repair the building.
Hammer Hammer Wood 4, Iron 4 You can pick up the building quickly and put it in your bag.(4 hits)
Hammer_Dia Dia Hammer Hammer, Iron 4, Diamond 5 You can pick up the building quickly and put it in your bag.(2 hits)
MagicDrill_Dia Drill Of Three Stars Dia Pickax, Green Stone, Red Stone, Yellow Stone, 1000Coin You can use this to dig the upper ore.  (+260)
Sword_Magic3Stars Enchanted Sword Of Three Stars Dia Sword, Enchanted Scale, GreenStone, Red Stone, Yellow Stone, 1000Coin Use it when fighting. (+90)
This sword does more damage to certain Creatures.
Tent Tent Leather 2, Wood 2 After building, register at home.
Used as a return position.
If you register home, you can check the location of the house from afar.
Campfire Campfire Wood 4, Coal 4 Brightens the darkness. Warms the player.
This melts ice water.
You can cook meat and fish.
Worktable Worktable Wood 6 Can produce many things.
Storage Storage Wood 8, Iron 8 Can store things.
Purifier Purifier Wood 4, Coal 4, Iron 4 Can purify dirty water.
Toilet Toilet Grass 4, Wood 4, Stone 6 You can make … : )
Factory Factory Wood 8, Stone 4, Iron 4 Can build buildings that are involved in defense and attack.
Bank Bank Silver 4, Gold 4 Can trade resources.
Laboratory Laboratory Gold 4, Diamond 4 Skill tower and altars can be made.
Anvil Anvil Iron 8 Durability can be repaired.
Door_Wood Wood Door Wood 3 Opening and closing the door allows you to block and open the path.
Can be upgrade.
Door_Stone Stone Door Wood 3, Stone 4
Door_Iron Iron Door Stone 3, Iron 6
Door_Silver Silver Door Iron 6, Silver 6
Door_Gold Gold Door Silver 7, Gold 7
Door_Dia Diamond Door Gold 8, Diamond 8
Door_Mit Mithril Door Diamond 8, Mithril 12
Door_Ada Adamantium Door  Mithril 8, Adamantium 12
Door_Ori Orichalcon Door Adamantium 8, Orichalcon 12
Wall_Wood Wood Wall Wood 3 Can protect the settlements.
Be careful not to break the walls.
Can be upgrade.
Wall_Stone Stone Wall Wood 3, Stone 4
Wall_Iron Iron Wall Stone 3, Iron 6
Wall_Silver Silver Wall Iron 6, Silver 6
Wall_Gold Gold Wall Silver 7, Gold 7
Wall_Dia Diamond Wall Gold 8, Diamond 8
Wall_Mit Mithril Wall Diamond 8, Mithril 12
Wall_Ada Adamantium Wall  Mithril 8, Adamantium 12
Wall_Ori Orichalcon Wall Adamantium 8, Orichalcon 12
Trap_Wood Wood Trap Wood 3, Bone This is hurts nearby enemies.
Trap_Iron Iron Trap Iron 3, Bone
ATower_Wood Wood AttackTower Bone 2, Wood 12 This is an Attack tower. Can be upgrade.
ATower_Stone Stone AttackTower Bone 2, Wood 6, Stone 10
ATower_Iron Iron AttackTower Bone 2, Stone 6, Iron 10
ATower_Silver Silver AttackTower Bone 2, Iron 6, Silver 10
ATower_Gold Gold AttackTower Bone 2, Silver 6, Gold 10
ATower_Dia Dia AttackTower Bone 2, Gold 6, Diamond 10
ATower_Mit Mithril Tesla Tower Bone 2, Diamond 8, Mithril 14 This is a Tesla tower. Can be upgrade.
ATower_Ada Adamantium Tesla Tower  Bone 2, Mithril 8, Adamantium 14
ATower_Ori Orichalcon Tesla Tower Bone 2, Adamantium 8, Orichalcon 14
Cannon_Wood Wood Cannon Coal 2, Wood 12 This is an attack Cannon. Can be upgrade.
Cannon_Stone Stone Cannon Coal 2, Wood 6, Stone 10
Cannon_Iron Iron Cannon Coal 2, Stone 6, Iron 10
Cannon_Silver Silver Cannon Coal 2, Iron 6, Silver 10
Cannon_Gold Gold Cannon Coal 2, Silver 6, Gold 10
Cannon_Dia Dia Cannon Coal 2, Gold 6, Diamond 10
Cannon_Mit Mithril Mortar Coal 2, Diamond 8, Mithril 14 This is an attack Mortar. Can be upgrade.
Cannon_Ada Adamantium Mortar Coal 2, Mithril 8, Adamantium 14
Cannon_Ori Orichalcon Mortar Coal 2, Adamantium 8, Orichalcon 14
Tower_SpeedNerf Speed DownTower GreenStone 3, Iron 20, 200 coin This slows down the speed of enemy attacks. (wide range)
Tower_PowerNerf Power DownTower RedStone 3, Iron 20, 200 coin This lowers the enemy's attack power. (wide range)
Tower_HPBuff Healing Tower YellowStone 3, Iron 20, 200 coin This cures player and building.  (wide range)
Altar Summoning Altar Bone Extract, GreenStone,
RedStone, YellowStone, Beard, 1000 coin
Summon the Boss.
After summoning, Shows the position of the boss for a very short time.
PowerTower1 Power Tower Phase 1 Stone 4, Iron 4 This building increases the amount of Electric power.
PowerTower2 Power Tower Phase 2 Stone 8, Iron 8
PowerTower3 Power Tower Phase 3 Stone 12, Iron 12
PowerTower4 Power Tower Phase 4 Stone 16, Iron 16
PowerTower5 Power Tower Phase 5 Iron 20, GreenStone 4, RedStone 4
TransTower_Step06 Power Tower Phase 6 Iron 24, GreenStone 8, RedStone 8
PowerTower6 Power Tower Phase 7 Iron 28, GreenStone 12, RedStone 12
Mushroom_Cooked Cooked Mushroom Fills the hunger.
Egg Egg
Egg_Cooked Cooked Egg
Meat_Raw Raw Meat Fills the hunger, but it gets poison.
Meat_Cooked Cooked Meat Fills the hunger.
Fish_Raw Raw Fish Fills the hunger, but it gets poison.
Fish_Cooked Cooked Fish Fills the hunger.
Fish_Bone Fish Bone Can get this when fishing fails.
Apple Apple Fills the hunger and thirst.
Berry Berry Fills the hunger and thirst.
Bottle Bottle Sand 4 Can put water.
WBottle_Dirty Dirty WaterBottle Fills the thirst, but it gets poison.
WBottle_Clean Clean WaterBottle Clean Water 1, Bottle Fills the thirst.
Bucket Bucket Iron 4 Can put water and lava.
WBucket_Dirty Dirty WaterBucket Fills the thirst, but it gets poison.
WBucket_Clean Clean WaterBucket Clean Water 2, Bucket Fills the thirst.
LavaBucket Lava Bucket Warms the player.
Soda_Coke Soda Fills the thirst.
Leather Leather Resource
Bone Bone Resource
Cobweb Cobweb Resource
Poo Poo This quickly grows the seedlings.
Torch Torch Wood 2, Coal 2 Brightens the darkness. Warms the player.
This melts ice water.
Bandage Bandage Grass 2, White Flower This restores the player's health.
MedicalKit Medical Kit This restores the player's health. Can not make.
Bone_Extract Bone Extract Bone 30, Fish_Bone 10 Regret it if you use this.(Try it when you're safe)
Material of the altar.
Hearthstone Hearthstone GreenStone, RedStone,
Return to the designated house.
RubberDuck Rubber Duck This can be sold to the bank. Can not make.
LevelKey Key Using this, can open the following modes.
This can be sold to the bank.
kill the boss summoned by the altar, you can get this.
RandomBoxW Random Box can get 30 resources at random. Can not make.
RandomBoxY Random Box Can get one armor at random. Can not make.
RandomBoxP Random Box Can get one tool at random. Can not make.
Nuclear Nuclear Missile Boom!!!! Can not make.
Scale_Enchanted Enchanted Scale Resource
Seed Seed When you hit a squirrel, it drops to random.
If you plant it on the ground and hit it with water or poo, it begin to grow into fruit.
Strawberry Strawberry Fills the hunger and thirst.
Grape Grape
Carrot Carrot Fills the hunger.
Banana Banana
Pineapple A Slice Of Pineapple Fills the hunger and thirst.
Watermelon A Slice Of Watermelon

Item List+ Crafting Guide to Mine Survival

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The Survival + Crafting + Zombie Defense Mobile Game

Mine Survival is Released!

How long can you survive?
Don't Die! Don't Stop eating and drinking!

Through collections and hunting, you can create tools and buildings.
Through it Protect yourself from zombies and survive for a long time.
Adapted to four mode environment, Create a space protecting yourself from zombies!

■ Find a place where there is plenty of water and build a settlement!
■ Build various items and buildings through collection and hunting!
■ At night, zombies appear!
■ You can stop zombies by installing walls, snares, towers, and Canon!
■ Body temperature, hunger, water, and poo management are very important!
■ Put him on the altar, call him, fight him! You can obtain the key for the next mode!
■ Build an altar, call him, and fight!

MS_GoogleShot_002 MS_GoogleShot_003 MS_GoogleShot_004 MS_GoogleShot_005 MS_GoogleShot_006 MS_GoogleShot_007

Mine Survival – Mobile Game Trailer

[ Google Play Game Download Link ]


[ Apple App Store Download Link ]


First game of the Indie Game developer Wildsoda!
Lots of attention, love, and play, please.
Thank you.